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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at Disney MGM Studios

 Cowabunga dudes!  The pizza-eating Leonardo, Michaelangelo, Donatello and Rafael left their sewer and arrived at the Disney/MGM Studios on July 1, 1990 to demonstrate their "heroes in a half shell" turtle power for loyal fans around New York Street. They would arrive in their Turtle Party Wagon, do some karate moves with their weapons, and then pose for pictures and sign autographs.  News reporter and Turtle friend April O'Neil also performed the theme song from the TV show.  Each of the Turtles then got introduced, but Michaelangelo always seemed to miss his cue because he was phoning in a pizza order!

 This was a very short show (only about four minutes) and was performed throughout the day.  The Turtles appeared at the park until at least 1994, maybe even a little later.  Their popularity was later eclipsed by other toy-based superheros such as the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. The Power Rangers later appeared at the park after the Turtles were gone.

This is an unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.  All copyrights acknowledged.  Please respect the work I put into compiling both existing and my own information on this site by not linking to any text or pictures without crediting that they were located on this site.
See ya real soon!